Free microsoft streets and trips replacement
Free microsoft streets and trips replacement

free microsoft streets and trips replacement

The panel shows your current latitude/longitude, direction of travel, current speed, and GPS signal strength. Streets and Trips 2006 also has a GPS pane that you can choose to display. As with the driving guidance pane, you can choose whether or not to display the directions on screen during navigation. A trip summary of days/hours of driving time and estimated fuel cost is included with your directions. Similarly, you can indicate the starting time for your trip and the number of hours in your driving day, and the program will include overnight stops in your direction list.


You can also configure your vehicle's estimated mileage, the starting level of your fuel tank, and the level at which you want to refill, and the software will include refueling stops in your list of directions. In fact, if you have more than four, you can also instruct Streets and Trips 2006 to optimize the route.

free microsoft streets and trips replacement

You merely type in the starting and ending locations and click on "Get Directions." Trips can include multiple segments. A new driving guidance pane displays turn-by-turn directions (including street names) in large type, presents enlarged arrows indicating the direction of your next turn, and shows distance to it in miles or yards as well as a "thermometer-type" bar that gives you an idea of the relative distance.Ĭreating a route and generating directions is simple. You can configure the navigation pane in any number of ways.

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  • Free microsoft streets and trips replacement